To Create a Verified Paypal Account please follow the instructions below:
PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. The
service allows anyone to pay in any way they prefer, including through
credit cards, bank accounts, buyer credit or account balances, without
sharing financial information. Paypal now become a global leader in
online payment solutions with more than 153 million accounts worldwide.
If you want to earn money from internet business or make money
online, you must have a Verified Paypal Account to receive money.
Because many companies will pay via Paypal. Create a Paypal Account is Easy & FREE.
Step by Step to Create a Paypal Account :
- Go to and click “Sign Up”
- Select Your Country & Languange
- Choose the account type like Personal, Premier and Business. If you want to make money online, I recommend you to choose Premier Account, cause Personal Account has many limit.
- Then fill your data in the form.
- And you are requested to fill a credit card information for verify this Paypal Account. If you have a credit card you can entered your 16-digit credit card, you will need to fill your EXPUSE number. Yo need to wait your EXPUSE number in your card’s transaction receipt. Once you received the EXPUSE number, enter it in your Paypal account to complete the verification.
- If you don’t have a credit card, you can skip this verification by uncheck the “Link Credit Card” box. Note that you can still recieve payments even tough you did not verify your account but you can never withdraw.
- Please note that your Paypal ID is your email addreas which sign up Paypal.
Verify Paypal Account with VCC ( Virtual Credit Card )
If you don’t have a credit card to verify Paypal Account, you can
use VCC ( Virtual Credit Card ) to verify your Paypal Account. You can
search for the VCC and buy then ask for help to verify. Usually costs
between $ 5 – $ 20. Rather than make a credit card that will be
expensive. You can use the liberty reserve to purchase the VCC. Do not
forget to note the number VCC data you receive with expuse numbernya
and save carefully. So when paypal do random checks to protect you have
a data of VCC. Verify only once and your account will be verified
You can find a VCC seller with cheaper price at :
- ( Debit Card Thread )
- VCC Indonesia — for indonesian only
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